Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 7, 2014

Mason’s Excellent Holiday Adventure In Parksville

Mason - Current7After a sleepover at my Grammy and Grandpa’s on Saturday night, my Mom took me on our very first summer holiday together. I was really looking forward to it because she told me we were going to a place with really big sandy beaches.

It wasn’t too far from my Grammy and Grandpa’s because it only took a little over an hour to drive there. The place we stayed at was a resort right on the beach in the little seaside town of Parksville.

As soon as we got there and settled into our room, I got changed into my beach clothes and found my dump truck and shovel and we headed down to the beach.

It was really hot so I had to have yucky sunscreen sprayed all over me and then the sand stuck to my legs. I’d never seen this much sand before and I tried to see if it tasted any good but I spit it out right away. The resort we stayed at is way behind me in the picture of me playing in the sand. When the tide comes in the ocean comes right up to our hotel.


Last week I saw in my Grandpa’s blog that he saw 2 Owls on a tree in the forest.

Well, Grandpa, my Mom took me to the village of Coombs and guess what I saw? 3 Owls on a branch. He-hee!!

I made sure Mom took a picture of me with the Owls just so you could see for sure I just wasn’t trying to fool you.

I don’t know what kind of Owls these were though as they didn’t go “hoot, hoot” or anything. I’ll just have to look them up in my bird book when I get home or maybe I’ll just Google it like you were showing me at our sleepover. That was fun but I’m sorry I wrecked your computer screen and made it go all funny!

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There was a little kids park next to where we were staying so I got to go on lots of swings. I think swings are my favourite. I really like to go as high as my Mom will let me. She doesn’t push me as fast as you do, Grandpa, but that’s o.k. I know she’s just scared I might fall off and hurt myself. I’m not scared though.

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Mason - Current9I really had fun in Coombs. It’s the place where they have all the goats on the roof. I wanted to go up and see them but we weren’t allowed so all I could do was watch them as they ate the grass growing on the roof. I didn’t know that grass could grow on roofs.

There were lots of stone carvings of dogs, birds and other animals in Coombs and I got to touch them and even climb up and sit on anything I wanted to.

Maybe next summer you and Grammy can come up here and I can show you all the things there is to see here in Coombs. It’s fun and you’d love it because there are all kinds of places that sell ice cream cones. I know you love ice cream cones.

There were all kinds of stores, shops and places to eat too. We stopped at one place and we had lunch at a table in the shade. It was very hot and I heard my Mom say to someone it was 90F. That sounded pretty hot to me.

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Grammy would be very proud of me as I went to a real store to do some shopping. In the picture above, on the right, I found a basket full of snakes that were only $2.98 each. I poked them with a stick to see if they’d move but they didn’t. I was going to buy one to give to Grammy but my Mom said she’d “run screaming out of the house and wouldn’t stop until she was in Victoria”!  Is that really true?


md072314113After a playing on the beach, going for a swing, touring Coombs and then shopping I was getting pretty tired.

It was sure nice to get back to our air-conditioned room to lay on the bed and just chill with my Mom. We did this for 2 whole days and nights.

The best part of my first ever holiday was being with my Mom and then after 2 nights in Parksville we got to stop off and visit with you and Grammy again on our way home..

Thanks, Grandpa, for letting me tell my story about my first holiday with my Mom – it was really, really fun.

Thanks for visiting!

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