Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 7, 2014

Happy Canada Day – 10 Reasons Why Canada Rocks


Here are just 10 of the many reasons why Canada Rocks:

Maternity Leave
Having a baby is hard work. And many women around the world aren't given the amount of time off they deserve post-delivery. But here in Canada, the true north strong and free, a expecting mother can take up to a full year of paid maternity leave.  This contrasts vastly with The United States, Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Liberia and Lesotho who provide no type of financial support for new mothers.
Cheaper Prescription Drugs
Overall, Americans can save 24 per cent if they buy their drugs from online Canadian pharmacies versus filling their prescriptions at home, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The study sought to find out why so many U.S. citizens have been taking advantage of the deep discounts north of the border, and the results showed dramatic savings across the board.

"Forty-one of the 44 brand-name medications examined were less expensive in Canada." Canucks are proud of their health-care system and easier access -- in this case financially -- to pharmaceuticals.
Better View At Niagara Falls
Undoubtedly one of North America's natural wonders, the power and beauty of Niagara Falls never ceases to amaze, whether it's your first trip or 100th. Luckily for Canadians, the best place to view the falls is on the 'Canadian side'. That's right, busloads of tourists from around the world flood the observation areas near the falls in Ontario every day to snap the perfect picture for their Facebook profile. Do Americans bother to cross the border for the better view? You bet!
Limits To Election Spending
Canada limits corporate influence on our electoral process via spending limits on political donations and third-party advertising. The 2010 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down similar campaign finance laws in that country -- on grounds they violate the free-speech right of corporations -- poses a serious threat to democracy and the integrity of future elections in America.
Best Place To Do Business
According to Forbes, Canada is the best country in the world to do business and it's not because of the climate. Chalk it up to a lower corporate tax rate, excellent infrastructure and a well-educated populace.
Our Milk!
It completes your morning bowl of cereal, can quench thirst and is the perfect companion to chocolate chip cookies. Milk, dear readers, is an all around amazing drink. And grabbing a glass of the white stuff in Canada is unlike anything you'll be able to experience in many other countries.That's because there's a complete lack of unnatural hormones in our dairy products.
Gay Marriage Rights
Canada's government passed the Civil Marriage Act giving same-sex couples the same rights and privileges as heterosexual pairings. The LGBT community can not only marry, they can also adopt children.
We Can Go To Cuba
A decades-long U.S. trade embargo on evil 'Communist' Cuba means that that island's beaches and resorts have long been free of American tourists. Canadians, needing an escape from long winters have been flocking to the island for decades now. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Canada has also been a crucial trading partner of the island country.
Canadian Music
Once a 44.5 kg weakling, The Great White North punches way above its weight class in the music world. A few decades ago, only a rare few Canadian musicians managed to establish international careers. But the rise of government funding for music and CanCon radio regulations supporting domestic tunes developed our homegrown scene until it was strong enough to lead a post-millennial Canadian Invasion.

Nowadays we claim the world's biggest artists in almost any imaginable genre - Arcade Fire, Justin Bieber, Feist, Drake, Michael Buble, Deadmau5, Metric, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Nickelback, Diana Krall, etc. Don't tell the Republicans, but we can thank "socialism" for all that money, money, money these musicians are making.
2 Consecutive Olympic Gold Medals in Men’s and Womens’ Hockey
It’s our game! Canada has won the Olympic Gold Medal in Hockey for both the Men and Women at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver and the Sochi Games in 2014.

Thanks for visiting!

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