Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 7, 2014

Cooling Off By The Straits of Juan de Fuca

It was way too hot here in the Cowichan Valley yesterday as we got up into the 90’s. Unfortunately, there seems to be no end in sight for this heat wave as the forecast is for well above normal temperatures for at least the next 10 days. This is one time I really hope the weather guessers are wrong. I’m hoping we get back to our much more normal and comfortable mid-70’s sooner rather than later.

Mason really liked the cool breeze coming in off the Straits of Juan de FucaIMG_2526

Living near Victoria there’s always one surefire way to beat the heat and that’s to head down to the ocean overlooking the Straits of Juan de Fuca. Carrie had called and said her condo was really hot so we stopped off to pick-up Mason and take him with us while Carrie went to look for some kind of portable A/C unit.

Taking the path through the tall, dry grass was pretty cool too!IMG_2520

Arriving at the Dallas Rd. waterfront walkway we parked and then took the path through the tall brown grass. Mason was in his stroller and he sure loved that. It was probably the first time he’s ever been in grass that tall – it was like a hay field. I’m not sure what he was thinking but he was jabbering a mile a minute and pointing at the grass the whole time we were in it.


Once out of the hayfield we made it to the asphalt walkway on the cliffs overlooking the straits. There was a nice, perfectly cool breeze blowing in off the water making it just right for an early morning walk. We had Rylie with us and since the whole area is an off-leash park including the walkway she had a great time meeting up with dozens of other dogs of all shapes and sizes.


We spent well over an hour just walking along the cliffs and stopping occasionally to look at the boats out on the water or just the Olympic mountains across the straits in Washington State. We decided to head back to Carrie’s to see how she had made out in her search for an A/C unit. Carrie ended up with a pretty fair sized electric fan instead as the Walmart she went to had a run on A/C units and they were completely sold out. With 4 fans running the condo was a little better.

Mason - Current5

It was still a little too hot for Mason though so a walk to the nearby Water park was in order. Mason just loves the fountains that spray up. He has no fear at all of putting his head right over the nozzle and pushing the ring that makes the water spout up. He doesn’t seem to mind getting splashed in the face either. I think our little man has a rather adventurous spirit.


After saying goodbye to Mason and Carrie, we made it home just in time for me to watch the opening kick-off of the World Cup Final between Argentina and Germany. As everyone knows by now Germany won beating Argentina 1-0 and bringing my sports prediction winning streak to an end after 2 games.

Earlier this year I had picked Canada to win the Men’s Olympic Hockey Gold Medal and the Seattle Seahawks to win the Super Bowl. Somehow, both those teams survived my legendary ‘kiss of death’ curse. Argentina, however, wasn’t so lucky as it looks like I’m back to my losing ways as a sports prognosticator.

I watched the entire 2 hours of the game which included 30 minutes of extra time before Germany scored with only 7 minutes left to clinch the win. It was pretty apparent from the time the 2nd half began that one goal was going to win this game and that made it pretty exciting to watch – at least for me. Although I hate to admit it, Germany was the best team in this year’s World Cup – from their first game to their last.

Thanks for visiting!

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