Just in time to prove that Faux News doesn’t have a complete monopoly on idiots (although they do lead by a comfortable margin) along comes NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams.
Williams has been under intense fire (pun intended) after recanting a story he has told for years about being on a helicopter in Iraq that was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade.
It was a great story but unfortunately for Williams, it appears that it just doesn’t pass the world-renowned Stephen Colbert “truthiness test”.
A little over a week ago, in a Friday "Nightly News" segment, Williams described being aboard a helicopter that was hit by a RPG and forced down at the beginning of the Iraq War. Williams said that his NBC team was then "rescued, surrounded and kept alive" by a platoon led by Command Sgt. Major Tim Terpack. The newscast showed footage of Williams accompanying Terpack to a New York Rangers hockey game, where the arena announcer repeated Williams' account of events.
Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive.
That news segment was just too much for Flight engineer Lance Reynolds who was on the actual helicopter hit by the RPG. He put this post on Facebook the day after:
"Sorry dude, I don't remember you being on my aircraft. I do remember you walking up about an hour after we had landed to ask me what had happened. Then I remember you guys taking back off in a different flight of Chinooks from another unit and heading to Kuwait to report your "war story" to the Nightly News. The whole time we were still stuck in Iraq trying to repair the aircraft and pulling our own Security."
The reaction was swift and furious and late last week Brian Williams announced he would be taking a few days off to reflect before returning to the NBC News anchor chair. It turns out that Williams was in a helicopter that day and it may, or may not, have taken some small arms fire as there are some conflicting statements about that. However, by William’s own admission he did “conflate his story” and in the news business that’s a huge no-no especially for a supposedly trustworthy anchor!
It always boggles my mind when I hear of respected news persons and politicians being unmasked for telling tall tales or outright lies. You’d think that being in the limelight and the news business that they’d know better and realize that nothing can be hidden forever…eventually, the truth always seems to come out. I have my own theory on guys like Williams. I call it “the cook wanting to be the chicken too”! If that seems vague then just imagine how jealous a great cook might be when people go on about “how great the chicken is” or “fabulous chicken”. Hey, how about me??
I just can’t see Uncle Walter “slo-jammin the news” with Jimmy Fallon
I’ve always liked Brian Williams as he seemed like a genuinely nice guy and he was always pretty funny when he appeared on late night shows with John Stewart, Jimmy Fallon and David Letterman. Therein, most likely, likes the problem….wanting to be a celebrity rather than just a newsperson. Somehow, I just can’t bring myself to see Uncle Walter Cronkite on the Jimmy Fallon show “Slo-Jammin’ the News”. Can you?
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