Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 2, 2015

Idiot Of The Day: At CPAC, Sean Hannity Says His "Fox X-Ray Vision" Can Spot Pregnancies – Very Creepy, Right?

I’m not making this up folks as no one would believe me.  However, I do have video proof from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) of serial idiot, liar and hater Fox News’ Sean Hannity saying some downright creepy things about the "young, good-looking crowd:"  Here’s a sample of what he told them:

“I can look out in the crowd, I kinda have Fox X-ray vision, and I can see that some of you women, you don't even know it yet, but you're pregnant. It's not your fault. It's not his fault.”

I know it’s hard to believe even from this clown, so here’s the video proof:

Sean Hannity has “Fox X-Ray Vision” – he can see into women’s wombs

Words fail me.

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