Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 9, 2014

Will Apple Go All Dick Tracy On Tuesday With An iWatch?

dick_tracy_250I hope no one’s asking who’s Dick Tracy? If you are then your either way younger than me or lying about your age!  I’d suspect the latter!

Dick Tracy is a comic book character from the 1930’s thru the 1970’s and was famous for his 2-way radio wrist watch radio that was upgraded to be TV capable in 1964.

Back then it was all pretty fanciful stuff that folks would argue about for hours. Some believed that it might be possible while others said it couldn’t be done. This Tuesday, in Cupertino, CA many analysts expect Apple to introduce another of their world-changing technological revolutions (1984 Macintosh, the 2001 iPod, the 2007 iPhone and the 2010 iPad) the iWatch. If they do introduce the iWatch then that will be the big news – forget the iPhone 6!

This is just an idea of what the iWatch might look like – no one really knows!iWatch-concept

Ever since Tim Cook took over as CEO of Apple following the death of Steve Jobs many have questioned whether or not he could come up with another of the killer products introduced to the world by Jobs. To date, Cook has only offered better iPhones and iPads but nothing truly original. This time, however, Cook is saying that the world's most-watched consumer electronics maker would soon deliver "amazing" products that cross into new categories beyond its wildly successful products!

Another guess at what it will look likeiwatch 1

There’s all kinds of speculation out there about the new iPhone 6’s and their bigger screens, sapphire glass and faster processors. Several tech sites have posted photos of what they believe are iPhone 6 prototypes. But, Apple has kept the lid nailed down tight on the iWatch and there have been no leaks as to the design of Apple’s iWatch. That hasn’t stopped the speculation so I thought I’d just wrap up a few of the best rumors floating around.

Or could this be the new Apple iWatch – everyone has a style guessSpread template 2011

The iWatch will tell time – that’s a given. The iWatch will also track your health with some of the potential things it might track being heart-rate, blood sugar, blood pressure, air pressure, altitude, temperature, weather, ultraviolet light exposure, calories, steps and sleep. While other devices are now available to do some of these functions, including wearable smartwatches, none of them have really caught on with the public and gone mainstream. Apple has a habit of changing people’s habits.

While the iWatch will probably run iOS it won’t be as capable as your trusty iPhone. Most likely it will have to pair with an iPhone to send text messages or, like Dick Tracy, to place a phone call. If this is true that’s a good thing because it will mean you won’t need a separate service plan for the watch. It’s also assumed there will be apps for the new iWatch but no one knows for sure as Apple isn’t saying a thing.

iphone 6

One of the really big features of the iWatch is, and again this is just a rumor, Near Field Communication (NFC). This is a type of short-range, wireless communication that because of close range can let a device do a whole lot of things fairly securely. Just by tapping the watch on a compatible receiver when you're checking out at a store, you'll be able to pay a bill using your credit card — all without taking out your wallet.

As for how big this iWatch will be most analysts think there will be 2 sizes. A smaller one at around 1.5” with a larger 2.5” model. As for the glass, it’s going to be curved and covered in scratch resistant sapphire crystal. It’s supposed to have a slight flex to it as well for safety purposes. But again, this is all conjecture. One bit of news that is probably surprising is that the Apple is rumored to be pricing the iWatch at around $400. If true, that’s going to attractive to a lot of folks.

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