Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 8, 2014

I’ve Discovered The Secret To Happy Blogging! Private!!

An Important Update To This Blog

Shortly after writing this post I changed my mind thus making me:

The Idiot of the Day – I Have to Eat A Big Fat Crow

No excuses – just a blip in the life of a blogger.

It’s always seemed strange to me that good ideas sometimes come from the strangest places, at the weirdest times and right out of the blue. So, it is with my blogging hobby which will, after this post, change to an “Author Only” publication. That’s right – just me! I like almost all aspects of blogging but I especially treasure the fact it is a journal of my daily activities, family, travel and opinions that I can look back on and have a record of. A diary? Not exactly – just an activity journal.

When after 5 years of blogging with Rick and Paulette’s RV Travels I got tired of writing about the same old, same old stuff I switched to my new format. I thought, at the time, with a new focus my interest would be reinvigorated. It has worked somewhat as I’ve enjoyed the switch to talking more about techie stuff which is my true passion and, on occasion, events in the news. And, mostly of course, my little grandson Mason!!!

Then there is the issue of what’s “too much information” and what’s “not enough”? I still haven’t figured that one out. Most bloggers, I think, will deny that ego has anything to do with their blogging hobby and maintain they do it only for their own satisfaction. I’ve said that too. Then, it struck me this morning that if that were true, I shouldn’t really need the public feedback at all. I could still write what I want, take photos and keep an excellent journal of all my daily activities just for my family.

So, that’s what I’m going to do. In a little over 5 years, I’ve shared pretty much everything I want, or need, to share. I’ve said pretty much everything I’ve wanted to say. My opinions and views are well known to everyone who reads my blog. While I like the feedback, comments and success of my blog, I’ve always known it’s just a hobby and something I don’t really need in my life. I don’t need the ego-boost as I’ve always pretty much relied on my own self-esteem to get by in life.

When I said that good ideas sometimes come from the strangest places and right out of the blue, it’s true. When I got up this morning I had no idea I’d be writing this as I had no concerns about anything at all. Yet, here I am. I’ve only said one time that I would be ending my original blog Rick and Paulette’s RV Travels and I did just that. This time, I will be reverting both of my new and old blogs to private, with no public access, this evening at 9pm PST with no plans for another one.

That’s it. Simple. I’ve always trusted my instincts and will do so again this time!

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