Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 8, 2014

Is Ferguson A City In Missouri or Iran? Egypt? Syria?


Last night, while I was sitting at my computer about to write this post, I noticed a huge jump in “tweets’ showing up on my Twitter feed. When I checked to see what was happening I read that Wesley Lowery, a reporter for The Washington Post, who has been reporting on the unrest in Ferguson, Mo. following the police fatal shooting of an unarmed 18 yr. old black youth, had been arrested by police in Ferguson.

Wesley LoweryHe wasn’t alone as he and other reporters were working in a McDonald’s in Ferguson when about half a dozen police officers came into the restaurant, Lowery said. Some officers were in regular uniforms, while others were dressed in riot gear and carrying assault weapons. Ryan J. Reilly of the Huffington Post was also taken into custody at the same McDonalds along with other reporters who were just doing their jobs.

The action appeared to catch Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson by complete surprise. "Oh, God," he told the Los Angeles Times when he was told by LA Times reporter Matt Pearce what had happened. Lowery and Reilly were set free shortly thereafter with no charges being laid and no explanations given for their arrests.

Here’s a video of the arrests

As federal civil rights investigators and the FBI carry out their own inquiry into the case, tensions are running high in Ferguson, where there's a history of distrust between the predominately black community and the largely white police force. Brown was African-American. Police have not identified the shooter, but a witness told CNN on Tuesday that the officer who opened fire is a white male.

The 5th shooting death by police of an unarmed black man in the past monthferguson1

Another reason I’m writing this post is because I’m still a bit shocked after reading a version of the Ferguson killing in another RV Blogger’s post. After writing that the area was “being hit with rioting and civil unrest due the to the police killing of a young black man” , the blogger went on to write “Just the place you would expect trouble in, to (sic) much drugs, to (sic) many people with time on their hands and no ambition.”  Each of you can draw your own conclusions from that statement.

Even more disturbing to me were the comments left by fellow bloggers I know and follow. Among them, there was this one:

I also don't understand how people can loot and burn their neighbors businesses. Makes no sense to me. Prayers for all those police officers who are putting their lives on the line to try and restore some order.

No prayers or one word of remorse or sorrow was offered for the fact that a young, black male aged 18, who full of ambition was due to start his first college semester in just two days, was shot several times by a white police officer while he faced him unarmed with his hands in the air. Instead, prayers were offered for the police but no concern, apparently for the mother and father of slain Michael Brown. These same folks, I know, profess to be devout Christians. Sometimes, the Devil is in the details! 

ferguson 4

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