Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 8, 2014

Idiot Of The Day Is Me - I Have To Eat A Big, Fat Giant Crow!


I was wrong! I made a big mistake this morning by posting I was going to make my blog Private and available only to me. Since then, I have received a few emails from readers and some have asked me if my decision had anything to do with my exchange of yesterday with Sam and Donna. The truthful answer is no. In fact the very idea of that horrifies me as I’ve never been one to shy away from controversy and certainly not from anything I’ve said.

My decision was based on not adhering to my original goals established when I started this new blog. I wanted to get away from daily activities, blog only when I had something new to say. I’ve been struggling with that lately and have made a few mistakes which I won’t mention lest I exacerbate the situation.

Almost everyone in my family wants privacy when it comes to my blog and I intend to stick to that with the exception of little Mason who just loves posing for pictures. So, I’m going to try again and focus more on things of real interest to me while not getting caught up again in the daily blog-a-thon of what I’m up to unless it relates to something techie or interesting.

I’m not even going to try and make excuses mostly because I can’t think of any good ones!  Thanks to everyone who commented and especially to those who emailed me as sometimes I just need a good slap across the head with a 2 x 4 to focus. And, by the way, my previous post is now declared officially inoperative! My apologies for being the “Idiot of the Day”!

Thanks for visiting!

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