Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 8, 2014

A Quiet, Peaceful Sunday Morning In Victoria


Our little man, Mason, has a real fascination with doors. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a door to a kitchen cupboard, a really big door to his bedroom or just a window door in a play house like the one on the left.

Mason will sit, or stand, while opening and closing the door for what seems like forever. It’s just “open the door, close the door, open the door, close the door” and he never seems to tire of it.

Doors are a very close second to his interest with anything electronic like TV remotes, iPhones, computers and anything else that has buttons, dials or switches.

Mason is a curious little guy and it sure is fun to watch what he goes for when we take him someplace new.

Sunday morning, Paulette and I drove down to Victoria to visit with Carrie and Mason and then to take the little man out for a walk in his stroller. It was another warm, sunny morning so we walked down to the local Starbucks and sat outside in the shade while we enjoyed our coffee.


We shared a blueberry muffin with Mason and he promptly smushed it to bits with a crayon. Next, he used his fingers to make sure it was really mashed up. Right when we figured the muffin was toast, he started eating the beat up pieces and finished it all up. I guess there’s more than one way to eat a blueberry muffin!


There was a big car show going on in the street in front of Starbuck’s featuring all kinds of cars going back to the 30’s maybe even the 20’s. Several blocks of the main street were blocked off for the show. I never did get around to taking a single photo of any of the cars. For whatever reason, I’ve never really been into cars and car shows like a lot of guys. As long as the car I had ran o.k. (and, a lot of them didn’t) I was happy. Other than that, I didn’t care too much.

I think we wore our little man out – he conked out as soon as he was homemd081741

We took Mason for a long walk and let him look at all the action going on before we headed back.  As soon as I took him out of his stroller when we got back and sat down on the couch with him, he conked right out with his head on my chest. I sat with him like that for about a half-hour before Carrie said he was likely to sleep for another hour!  With that, Carrie took him and put him in his crib and he never even opened his eyes. That was our cue to say goodbye and head for home!

Thanks for visiting!

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