Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 3, 2014

4 8 14 Printing, Folders, and Default Options*


4 8 14  Printing, Folders, and Default Options*



Windows is the most-used software in the world. It runs on over 90 percent of
all computers in existence.

Windows Class will meet Tuesday April 8 at 7 pm and

class questions, we will discuss and demo Printing Options, Folder Options, Default Options, how to create a desktop shortcut to a web site, the best
options in Windows Explorer, etc.. 


Welcome to the wonderful world of


Joe Isaac    

For a huge amount of Computer Tips and great web sites go to:    



remember Windows 8.1 is 88% Windows 7.

items will be the same in Windows 7 and Windows

 Printing Options: Portrait, Landscape, Two-sided, print black
or color only, Print Last Page First

 Folder Options: Single or Double Click, Show all folders,
Display or Hide different files or folders. Make new folders.

Default Programs, which programs open which File extensions

.jpg etc…

In Windows
7 it is Windows Explorer
In Windows 8.1 it is named File Explorer

And contains
all your files and folders and drives.

From here you can
Copy, cut, create, delete, find, move, save, shortcut, zip and unzip



Suggestions for your new Windows 8.1 laptop: 

Go to   click on WINDOWS 8.1 TIPS.


Q. How do I know if I have a 32 bit or 64 bit Windows?

 A. Start, Control Panel, System.

(It also tells you Processor chip speed and amount of RAM.)


32 bit is like a 4 lane highway carrying
data, 64 bit is like an
8 lane highway carrying
twice as much data.


 Q. How do I add to the Send To

 A. Click the Start button and type shell:sendto  in the search box, hit Enter.  Click on File, New, Shortcut. Browse until you
find the program and click on it.



(greatest thing since sliced bread)

No matter where you are, Internet, word document, email you can draw
a rectangle around what you want and save it as a .jpg file.


Type Snip in the Start Search box, then hit Enter, left click and drag to
capture any part of the screen. Then click on the Floppy Icon at the top to


 Check the
download and upload speed of your Internet Connection, wait until the laptop
computer shows up and click
Begin Test. Watch where you click, they want you to buy


If you need a free Word Processor.

LibreOffice and Open
share similarities to Office 2003
and both install, run, and save files on the local hard drive. CNET gives LibreOffice and Open Office 5/5 stars.


Bill Rauth: SLIDES FOUND AT THE LIBRARY OF                    CONGRESS...             

pictures are so clear and the color is so vibrant, it looks as though they were
taken just yesterday.                       



Windows 8.1 is really
confusing me. Can you explain what: an App is and do I really need it? Can I
compute casually with APP?

An app is simply an application or a program.


A new Windows 8.1 update
tries to win back desktop diehards


Q. Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2014

Subject: Re: 3 11 14 Basics and
Common Things + Windows 8.1

Hi, I haven't been able to open the newsletter.  I've never had
trouble before,  What do I need to do.  I love getting these, they
are very helpful


 A. I have done nothing differently, maybe your file association is

Can you open other .doc files?

 I assume you have Microsoft Office.


Any way you can: 

1. Go to: 
and click on the 3 11 14 line.  All my emails are here.

2. If you need a free Word Processor.

LibreOffice is similar to Office 2003 and install, run, and save
files on the local hard drive. CNET gives LibreOffice 5 stars.


Thank you Joe,

I was able to get it on the site you sent me.

Thank you so much for all you do for so many people

(Thank you so much for the kind words. It means so much to me.)


 Q. We recently purchased a new computer with Windows 8.1
operating system. We could use some training and or
guidance Windows 8.1 along with guidance and training in
Photo Gallery. Thank you for your helpful assistance.

A. Go to Control Panel and do Windows Update.

For Windows 8.1 TIPS go to:

and at the top click on WINDOWS 8.1 TIPS

Under that you will find Windows Live Photo Gallery tips.

It will help you a lot. If you have specific questions
please email me.

Response: Joe: What are the requirements to join your group?
I found your tips to be informative and helpful. I will
have more questions as I work through the tips and apps.
Thank you very much.

A. I have a class the 2nd Tuesday each month at 7 pm for an
hour or so.

This is our web site:

These are all our meeting schedules:

If you wish to join:

We would be delighted to have you as a member.








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